Anda cari kursus Bahasa Inggris di Bekasi Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris Conversation untuk Karyawan dimana saja and berada, hubungi Grand Patra.

Kegagalan tersebut pada umumnya disebabkan oleh :
A. Sasaran akhir yang tidak jelas sehingga perkembangan peserta tidak
dapat di ukur.
dapat di ukur.
B. Hambatan psikologis para peserta yang sangat heterogen baik dalam
status, kedudukan dan level menimbulkan banyak kendala dalam
proses belajar.
status, kedudukan dan level menimbulkan banyak kendala dalam
proses belajar.
C. Tenaga pengajar yang tidak representatif dan kurang memiliki
D. Materi silabus yang tidak sistematis dan membosankan
mengakibatkan kejenuhan peserta.
mengakibatkan kejenuhan peserta.
A. Meningkatkan ketrampilan dan kemampuan komunikasi bahasa
Inggris secara efektif.
Inggris secara efektif.
B. Meningktkan penguasaa perbendaharaan serta memahami fungsi
dan kegunaan dalam mengekspresiksan kalimat kalimat percakapan.
dan kegunaan dalam mengekspresiksan kalimat kalimat percakapan.
C. Meningktkan komunikasi verbal saat berbicara bahasa Inggris.
D. Membina rasa berani untuk senantiasa menggunakan bahasa Inggris.
A. Bahasa Inggris PAKET 1 MEC ( 30 Jam )
Modern English Conversation 3 Jam X 10 Pertemuan
Modern English Conversation 3 Jam X 10 Pertemuan
1. Greeting and Intoduction, Self identification, telephone call.
2. Cities and Countries, Socializing, Address, Neighbourhood.
3. Location and direction, Occupation, personal Information, Family.
4. Languages and Nationalities, Business Call, Leisure Plans and
5. Personal Belonging, Suggestion, Objecyion and Time.
6. Personal Information, house Work, Sport and Leisure time.
7. Appointment, Advice, Job Skill and abilities, Offer, Problem.
8. Suggestion, Telephone calls, Instruction, Excuse and Request.
9. Restourant, Personal Belonging, Mood and Feeling, Opinion and
10. Post Offi e, Quantity, measure and Meal.
B. Bahasa Inggris Paket 2 ( 30 Jam )
1. Accident, Recommendations, Emergencies, Explanation, and Object.
2. Past -activities, Offers, Problem, Suggestion and Telephone Calls.
3. Job Fantasies, Family, Give an opinion, Talk-about Plans.
4. Thing You have done, Language, Family and Advice, Direction.
5. Message, Request, Favors, Help and Job
6. Exercise, Like and Dislike, Weight and Height, have meal.
7. Invitation, Family, Apologizes, Identification and Transportation.
8. Location, Preferences, Offer, Trips, Clarification, Comparasion.
9. Excuse, Reservation, Condusion, Request and Location.
10. Describing Object, Asking People to do things, Making Decision.
kursus Bahasa Inggris di Bekasi GrandPatra bisa diikuti oleh warga daerah Bekasi, Bantar Gebang di kota Bekasi, kecamatan Bekasi Barat, Bintara, Kranji, jaka sampurna , Kecamatan Bekasi Selatan, Margajaya, Kayuringin, Margahayu, jaka Mulya, Medan Satria, Jaka Sampurna, Kecamatan Bekasi Timur, , Duren Jaya, Kali Abang Tengah, Harapan Baru, Alexindo, Bulak Kapal , Rawa Bebek, Harapan Mulya, Jatiwaringi , Jati Bening, Jatimakmur, Kecamatan BekasiUtara, Kecamatan Rawa Lumbu, Rawa Panjang
Bahasa Inggris untuk pelajar ( English For Student )
Paket (1) 30 jam ( 2jam X 15 pertemuan)
Materi yang di berikan
1. Introducing yourself, Spelling names and words, Saying phone numbers.
2. Naming Objects, Finding the Owner of an Item, Asking and giving Location.
3. Asking for and Giving information about Country of Origin, Nationality.
4. Asking about and describing clothing, talking about current activities.
5. Asking for and telling time, talking about the wether .
6. Asking for and giving information about where you live, how you go to work.
7. Asking about and describing different homes, saying what furniture is in .
8. Asking and giving information about what people do, where they work.
9. Naming foods, talking about food likes and dislike, talking about eating habits
10. Asking for and information about abilities and talents.
11. Saying dates, asking about birthdays, asking about future plans.
12. Talking about illnesess and health problems ; making appointment.
13. Giving information about shopping, asking for location and direction.
14. Asking for and giving information about activities in therecnt past.
15. Asking for and giving information about date place of birth and people.
16. Making phone calls ; leaving message on answering machines .
Private 1 siswa per jam Rp. 100.000,-
Private 2 siswa per jam Rp. 150.000,-
Pengambilan minamal 10 jam.
Bahasa Inggris untuk pelajar ( English For Student )
Paket (1) 30 jam ( 2jam X 15 pertemuan)
Materi yang di berikan
1. Introducing yourself, Spelling names and words, Saying phone numbers.
2. Naming Objects, Finding the Owner of an Item, Asking and giving Location.
3. Asking for and Giving information about Country of Origin, Nationality.
4. Asking about and describing clothing, talking about current activities.
5. Asking for and telling time, talking about the wether .
6. Asking for and giving information about where you live, how you go to work.
7. Asking about and describing different homes, saying what furniture is in .
8. Asking and giving information about what people do, where they work.
9. Naming foods, talking about food likes and dislike, talking about eating habits
10. Asking for and information about abilities and talents.
11. Saying dates, asking about birthdays, asking about future plans.
12. Talking about illnesess and health problems ; making appointment.
13. Giving information about shopping, asking for location and direction.
14. Asking for and giving information about activities in therecnt past.
15. Asking for and giving information about date place of birth and people.
16. Making phone calls ; leaving message on answering machines .
Private 1 siswa per jam Rp. 100.000,-
Private 2 siswa per jam Rp. 150.000,-
Pengambilan minamal 10 jam.

What is the TOEFl ...?
TOFEL is the abbreviagion for the Test Of Enblish as a foreign Language. It is a standard test used to evalute the academ8c English proficiency of people whose native language is not English.
TOEFL scores are also required by many College and Universities i many countries ( USA, Canada and anh others countries and some big Vompanies in Indonesia ).
The purpose of Grand PATRA course.
1. To help student become familiar with the computerized based testformat, direction,
question types and timing.
2. To learn how to manage test related anxiety and stress
3. To give student oppurtunities to experiment with test taking strtegies and use the one
work best for them.
4. To improve general listening, grammar, reading, vocabulary, writing and
speaking skill.
By taking TOEFL preparation course at Grand PATRA, student can in -
creas the possibility of obtaining the score required by the college or Uni -
versity in many countries and also some big company in our country.
Tujuan mengikuti Kursus Bahasa Inggris di Bekasi:
- Melanjutkan kuliah- Melamar / promosi pekerjaan
- Score yang diperlukan
Biaya : private 1 siswa Rp. 2.200.000,-
private 2 siswa Rp. 3.200.000,-
Kelas per siswa Rp. 1.500.000,-
Waktu Kursus Bahasa Inggris :
30 jam 2 jam x 15 Pertemuan
Kelas baru Di buka Setiap Hari . Daftarkàn diri anda sekarang juga.
Tlp: 0857 2626 5505
0813 2513 3901
0818 0880 7010